Keeping the Charism Mission Alive Throughout the World

Dominican Charism Initiative

The Dominican charism has been the driving force of the life and mission of the Dominican family for over 800 years. Since its founding by St Dominic, the Order of Preachers has grown in size and expression to include a global family of women and men; lay, vowed, and ordained; young and old. Each member of the Dominican family is charged with the mission to preach the Word through their lives, actions, and their communities. The Dominican Charism Initiative seeks to enliven the charism for the 21st century with an online educational platform that forms, informs, and transforms participants.


Coaching Coaches’ challenge was to find a scalable way to reach the most CYO coaches and in turn, impact the greatest number of families. Programs need to be mobile, available on demand from any device. In addition to delivering solid formation, there was a need to track user progress for certification of CYO coaching credentials.


Coaching Coaches provides online courses through the CFT platform. These online programs provide a way for a broader audience of coaches of various levels to meet their coaching requirements and certifications at the time and place of thier choosing. Tracking functions allow for real-time updates and learner progress. Online information can be revisited as needed at no additional cost.


Coaching Coaches


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